Allergy Sufferers - High Pollen Count Expected in 2018

Allergy experts are predicting a larger than normal pollen count this year.

Thanks to a colder winter, the allergy-producing plants and trees are ready to burst forth with an uncomfortable amount of pollen and other substances to make allergy sufferers miserable for a few weeks and even months. Besides taking anti-allergy medicine to ward off the symptoms, here are some other tips. Keep your house windows and doors closed as best you can. If you have outdoor pets, remember they can bring in pollen on their fur when they come inside. One way to combat this is to wipe them down with a damp cloth when they come in. Experts advise changing clothes and bathing once you enter the home at the end of the day. If pollen makes its way into your home, the best way to combat it is an effective vacuum cleaner. It may require vacuuming the walls
and window treatments as well.

Air purifiers are effective at reducing the indoor air pollutants. The most effective way to clean your home’s interior air is with a whole house HVAC filtration system. Vacuum Cleaner Hospital's Central Vacuum Experts division offers the IQ Air Perfect 16 system and quite simply, it’s the best on the market. They guarantee a 90% reduction in indoor air particles and no one else does that.  For those new readers of my blog, you may know that I installed one in my own home in January 2013.  The results were amazing so I made a You Tube video.

If you’re interested in learning more, email me at and I will be happy to answer your questions.

I do want to offer this advice to my readers, there is more mis-information about air purifiers on the Internet than anything else we sell.   Most people do considerable research before buying air purifiers and that’s great, just be aware that the companies recommending “the best air purifiers” probably have some business arrangement to promote one (or several) brands over another based on their profit
margin.  There are many brands out there and many just don’t live up to the claims they make so be wary!  We offer IQ Air and Austin and have sold several others that were more ‘economical’ but those two brands have been excellent over the years in reliability.